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my vision

art is a vehicle for telling one's truth.


through one's hands, through the textures of the materials. through the shapes and colors. in the way one moves one's hands.


for myself. for my students. each in one's own unique way.

it is my prayer that you too find your way to  hear your inner voice and speak your own unique truths.


10.2024          Israeli Identity, ZOA House (Beit Ziyonei America), Tel Aviv

01.2024          The Human Factor, Ben Ami Gallery, Tel Aviv

12.2023          The Color Red, Group Exhibition, Ben Ami Gallery, Tel Aviv

07.2023          To See the Music, Group Exhibition, Ben Ami Gallery, Tel Aviv

04.2023          To Choose Correctly, Group Exhibition, Karnei Shomron

2017-2021     Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem

2021               Recipient of the Andy Covid-19 Support Grant for comprehensive command of the                                        material, contributing to the department, and successfully completing all coursework

2021               Chutzoth Hayozer Crafts' Fair, Jerusalem

2020               GINA Gallery, Tel Aviv - exhibition of large vessels inspired by naive art

2020               Yitzchak and Ava Alper Prize for outstanding performance in ceramics

2019               Chutzoth Hayozer Crafts' Fair, Jerusalem

1997-2017     Technical Documentation - see 

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